I have released The Cruise.

Cliff and Rex take their wedding cruise to Hawaii. Gary Jones flies to Jefferson for his grandparents’ 56th wedding anniversary.

You may get your copy of  The Cruise here.

I will be releasing Rescue at Smuggler’s Cove next week.

Thanks for reading.


Believe it or not, it’s less than five weeks from October 14, 2018—Which will be Kris and Brad’s 24th Anniversary.

I am still releasing a book a week from Kris’ point of view, but I am still working on “The Chronicles of Brad” and do plan to have it released on time.

[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” countdown_end_type=”time” end_date=”07-09-2018 23:59″ start_time=”1536290816″ end_time=”37,19,28″ action_end_time=”hide” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ][/wpdevart_countdown]

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I have released The Concert.

Brad and Kris go to Phoenix to visit Brad’s grandparents and to see a concert put on by Cliff and The Cowboys. Brad’s grandparents don’t know he’s gay, so they have to play “just friends” again. However, Cliff has a problem with a radio reporter and accidentally “drags Brad out of the closet.” Will Brad leave Kris just because his grandparents don’t approve?

You may get your copy of  The Concert here.

I will be releasing The Cruise next week.

Thanks for reading.


I have released The Honeymoon. This story brings Brad and Kris back and they discuss the situation with “Cliff and the Cowboys” from Climb to the Top.

You may get your copy of  The Honeymoon here.

I will be releasing The Concert next week.

Thanks for reading.


I have just released Climb to the Top, which is Book 3 in the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top Collection Series.

You may get your copy of  Climb to the Top here.

I will be releasing The Honeymoon next week.

Thanks for reading.


I have just released Seashells, which is Book 2 in the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top Collection Series.

You may get your copy of  Seashells here.

I will be releasing Climb to the Top next week.

Thanks for reading.


I have just released Shipwrecked which is Book 1 in the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top Collection Series.

As you may recall, I had Demitry create a cover for the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top collection series several years ago.

But I have decided to release each book separately, which means I’m going to need a different cover for each book.  So, since I can’t afford to have Dimitry to make new covers for the additional books,  I decided to do them myself and here is the new cover for Book 1: Shipwrecked.

I don’t plan to create a new cover for Climb to the Top Book 3, though.

You may get your copy of  Shipwrecked here.


As you know, I have my eBooks at both Amazon for Kindle editions and Smashwords for all eReader formats. 

Each year during July, Smashwords has a “July Summer/Winter Book Sale” where authors can list their eBooks at a discounted price, or just to add them to the promotion to sell them at regular price, if they prefer.

This year, I have added all of my “Adult” eBooks to the list for 1/2 price—except for the ones I have already listed at .99.  Those are listed, but are still .99.

I have also just recently published an “Author Interview” under my Profile, and you can check it out here.

If you haven’t managed to pick up all of my eBooks yet, this is a good opportunity for you to get them.

You can either go to my Stories  > Adult Stories link, or just go directly (never go straight) to my Smashwords Profile here to see the list and get them there.

Again, this sale is only on Smashwords, so you won’t be able to get eBooks for a discount anywhere else.

Also, I will be releasing the “Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top/Chronicles of Brad” collection series, soon, so be sure to visit my Contact Page and sign up for my notification list, so you’ll receive an email when I release the series.

Happy Reading,


PS: If you’re curious as to why Smashwords calls it “Summer/Winter” when it’s only for the month of July, they are world-wide and some places are actually having winter right now.

"Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top/Chronicles of Brad" Trailer

The Chronicles of Brad.

Revisit the Shipwrecked Series from Brad’s Point of View.

I have posted the covers of the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top/The Chronicles of Brad, Collection Series on the front page of my website.  I am considering doing something different with The Chronicles of Brad cover (picture to the left) , but the picture of Brad will be the same, just a different background.  I had created one some time ago with him on the beach, but forgot about it until the other day when I stumbled across it.  Might revisit that one before publishing the series.  I am still working on the collection. I spend Tuesday evening at my critique group meeting then we go to a 24-hour coffee shop and visit with other writers.  Then on Wednesday morning some of us meet at another coffee shop and write for a couple of hours, so I am getting a lot done.

I haven’t found a job, yet.  I have applied for several, but haven’t heard anything.  I am really hoping I don’t have to return to the hotel/motel business, but am getting concerned about running out of unemployment benefits before I find a job, so I might have to break down and see if there are any night audit positions available.

I hope you’re having a good spring.  Here we’ve had several days over the century mark and hardly any rain, so we’re back in a drought. Summer, of course, will be here Thursday, the 21st, so since it’s already been a hot Spring, I’m concerned about how hot Summer will be this year.  We’ve had a few days already where the electricity has gone off in parts of the city for a few hours.

Hope it’s cool where you are and you have a good Summer. I’ll keep you informed on the progress of The Chronicles of Brad.

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