
The below stories have been published as eBooks and the free edition removed from this site.
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These short stories are mostly fantasy/sci-fi and will be fun for the whole family to read.

The Dead Can’t Rest

In 2007, Mrs. Eloise Cunningham, fifteen-year-old, Eric Ramsey’s best friend and “Third Grandmother” as he called her, died of Leukemia. While helping his mother and Mrs. Cunningham’s son, Evan, close the house, Eric discovered Mrs. Cunningham was still there. No one could see her but Eric and didn’t believe him when he told them she was there.

In 2008, due to other people reporting they’d seen her looking out the window and also walking in the garden, the Whispering Pines Daily Times talked Evan into letting them partner with local businesses and anyone who would spend Halloween Night, all night, in the house, would receive one thousand dollars. However, no one has ever spent the entire night.

Now, in 2012, Eric is a sophomore in college and he and four freshmen decide to take the challenge. Eric rushes up to the house to ask Mrs. Cunningham what is going on, and discovers she is looking forward to the night and is concerned Eric will spoil her fun.

Ms. Annabelle Florence is a medium, who has never seen a ghost before, but has talked the local TV Station, WPTV Channel 43, into letting her have a segment on the Ten o’clock News called Investigating the Paranormal with Ms. Annabelle Florence.

Join Eric and Ms. Florence as they find out why, The Dead Can’t Rest

This is a full-length novel.

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Mirror Land

Eight-year-old Tammie Younger has always wanted to have magical powers. Seeing a commercial for a new TV show one Saturday morning, she makes a wish upon a star for the Blue Fairy to give her the power she so desires. Will she get her wish?

Amazon KindleSmashwords-for all eReader Formats

Night Shift

Sandy Miller is working the graveyard shift at a convenience store. He doesn’t realize the reality of the term, “Graveyard” shift.

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The Mysterious Bed

Casey Stevenson’s lover, Chris Johnson, leaves him for another man after six years, claiming he doesn’t “want a long-term relationship”. The broken-hearted Casey takes his 1994 Christmas vacation at Crystal City Ski Lodge and Resort seated on a plateau on the side of Crystal Mountain over-looking Crystal City, Colorado. After a skiing accident, Casey is placed in a bed in an old abandoned house about three miles from the lodge and wakes up in the year 2101.
How did he get there?
How will he return to 1994?
This is a full-length novel.

Print or Kindle edition Smashwords-for all eReader Formats

My Death

After Scott Harper’s car breaks down, he has to walk the rest of the way home. He’s surprised to discover who the wreath on his front door is for.

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Christmas in America

Janice Bridges was born in Rapid City, SD, but her parents moved to Jamaica after wards. She has never seen the snow, or felt the cold. This Christmas the family chooses to spend in Rapid City. Will she freeze to death, or find warmth and romance from a friendly neighbor?

Kindle Edition Smashwords-for All eReader Formats

Out of This World

Blake and Holly go to Colorado for their senior trip and find something that takes them “Out of this World.”

Kindle Edition Smashwords-for All eReader Formats

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