Monday, 06 December 2010 8:40 PM

I hope everyone is getting ready for Christmas. It’s the best time of the year, you know.

First of all, I couldn’t locate an artist for my eBook covers, so I emailed the next story to my publisher and will let her deal with it. Won’t make as much money that way, but it won’t be as big of a hassle, either. If you are an artist and are interested, I do have another story that I want to get published and will need a cover for it, so please let me know.

And, speaking of money, I lost my job on the 3rd of December. This will give me more time to write! Gotta look at the bright side. Jobs are scarce around here, so I hope I don’t have any trouble finding one. I do hope I don’t have to go back to the Hotel/Motel business, though. I’ll probably sign up for unemployment tomorrow. I don’t like being on it, but it beats nothing. Somehow the bills keep coming around, but the money doesn’t.

I hope to have “The Golden Locket: The Cruise” finished by Christmas. It’s coming along great.

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Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and I’ll keep you informed.

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