Website Update

May 19, 2018
By now you have probably been overwhelmed with notifications about everyone’s Privacy Policy having been updated in the last few days due to the GDPR that will be going into effect May 25th.
Therefore, since I have a website that “collects” information from visitors if you want to contact me or subscribe to my notification list, I need to be compliant.
You may view the Policy here.
For more information about GDPR visit: here.
I finally had a chance to get “A New Town” updated and uploaded to Kindle, I’m not sure how I missed publishing it there back in 2011 when I published all my stories. I also discovered that I am a much better writer now than I was in 2011, so there was quite a bit of polishing to do. If you got a copy from Smashwords, you should have received an update notice because I submitted the update there, also. That update will be free if you’ve already gotten a copy of it there.
In my last post I said I haven’t found a job yet, but I never posted that my job ended in December of 2017. It was working for a temporary agency and the job ended. I still haven’t found another job, but I am getting unemployment and am searching for something. I am holding out for a job with benifits this time.
I am also working frantically on the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top Collection Series and The Chronicles of Brad. My goal is to have them released on October 14, 2018, which will be Kris and Brad’s 24th Anniversary.
If you heard on the news about the shooting in Santa Fe, Texas yesterday, and were wondering where that is in relationship to me, it is down on the gulf coast by Galveston. It’s about 550 miles South East of here, but I am praying for the friends and families of the victims.
Thanks for reading and I’ll keep you informed.