10-2-10: I heard back from the lady who was going to do the cover for me. She decided she's not able to. So, I found a lady I work with who is an artist and she wasn't interested either, but knew someone who she asked, and they were interested and neither of us have heard back from her. ARGH!! I guess I'm going to have to either get my publisher to publish this next one or use a service I found in California.

Will keep you informed.

"The Golden Locket: The Cruise" is coming along good. I will probably be able to have it released by Halloween.


8-10-10: I'm still waiting to hear from the lady who said she'd do my artwork for my eBooks. I am beginning to wonder if she's ever going to get through with the project that she's currently working on.

I'll keep you informed.

8-10-10: Turns out that I can create blogs in Joomla (the template program that I'm using for the website), so I don't need to mess with blogger.com any more.

All posts will be here locally now. Check back frequently to see what's going on. If you're not on my notification list, please fill out the contact form and request to be added so I can email you when I post a new story.

Posted by Mathis B: Rogers 7:20 PM



As you probably can tell, I updated the website. My brother really likes Joomla, so I thought I'd try it. I really like this template, although I did edit the header. And to answer my question, yes, that could be Brad.<drool>

If you find something strange, please let me know. I couldn't figure out how to deal with my stories without having to recreate the files, so I'm leaving them in the old format.

I also have another story ready for publication, but am waiting for the cover-art. I'll be publishing this one myself and it will be available at Amazon. I will let you know when I get it published.

Posted by Mathis: 4:30 pm.

7-17-2010: My publisher did not notify me, but I went to the Sizzler website this afternoon and discovered that "The Birthday Surprise and Other Gay Male Erotica" has been released. You can find a link to it on my main page.

You may recall that this was the "Scott Campbell and David Bennett Collection Series" that I had here for several years, but since she published them we decided it'd be better to rename the characters.

I am waiting to hear from a co-worker's sister to see if she can make some cover art for me, and if she will, then I will publish a few more of my stories that are already posted here. I will remove them from this site as they are published, but you will be able to purchase them through links I have on this site.


Mathis B. Rogers is the author of the Award-Winning eBook, “Blizzard”.

He was born in Shamrock, Texas, and raised all over the Texas Panhandle and South Plains of West Texas because his father was a rancher and they moved frequently.

He began writing at the age of thirteen when his English teacher offered extra points for students who wrote something to put on the class bulletin board.

While working the Night Audit (graveyard shift) at motels, he became very prolific.

Mathis was the webmaster and long-time member of the Plainview Writers Guild and their newsletter editor. For years, he has been an active member of the Panhandle Professional Writer’s group—recently renamed Texas High Plains Writers, in Amarillo, Texas,  and the Write Right Critique Group in Lubbock.

He is also the webmaster for the Write Right Critique Group  and was the Membership and Newsletter Director for the newly formed Caprock Writers & Illustrators Alliance for 2020 through 2022.

In March of 2011, Mathis began his own “self publishing” business, ePubnationwide.com and has helped many new authors weather the technical errors of self publishing, all at affordable rates.

Mathis enjoys writing, and when someone asks him how to write, he replies, “It’s just daydreaming and writing it down.”


I just created my page at Author Central at Amazon.com. They said it might take up to 7 days to get it up and running, though. You can find it at http://amazon.com/author/mathisrogers

I also heard from my publisher today that the next eBook will soon be out. She's got it formatted and is just waiting for the artwork for the cover.

I'm still working on "The Golden Locket: The Cruise". Hope to have it out before the end of the summer.

Posted by Mathis B. Rogers at 7:48 PM


I went to the Texas Back Institute in Plano last week to find out what is going on with my back and legs. I just need some physical therapy, no surgery. And I can get a physical therapist here in Lubbock. I'll start the search for that next week.

Anyway, when I got home, I had received a royalty check from the publisher. It's not much, but that covers the royalties "Frank Sol" made on the story he stole. In a couple of months I'll get any royalties on the reprint of my story and hopefully soon I'll get the other stories published and will be making money on them, too.



As you know if you are on my notification list, I found another publisher who is willing to publish some of my other stories. After I finish "Golden Locket: The Cruise" I will begin working on another story that will be in a collection that they'll publish. Meanwhile, they'll publish another story that I have ready and a Novel that I have ready. Keep looking here or ask me to add you to my list if you're not already on it, so you'll be kept abreast of what's going on.

Have a great night.


4-26-2010: Hello all!
I have just posted a new story. “A Second Chance” I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for reading.Mathis…

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