Happy Easter & Passover!

Wishing everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter and Passover!

No matter which you celebrate, remember what Jesus did for you!


41st Annual Lubbock Arts Festival

Had a good time at the 41st Annual Lubbock Art’s Festival on Saturday, April 12th.  It’s a two-day event, but I was only able to attend on Saturday.

Several of the Authors who belong to the Write Right Critique Group were selling our books at the event.  Each year the group has a “Kid’s Stop” booth called “Write with the Writers” and also the “Meet the Authors” section. The authors get to meet and great readers and sell our autographed books.  Even in this day and age, several people still prefer to hold a physical book in their hands.

Since my readers prefer eBooks, I only have ’The Mysterious Bed’ in print.  I did give out several cards with my website on them and met some really neat people. 

Click our picture to be taken to the group’s Bookshelf page.


L-R: Mary Andrews, Anne Coffer, K J Waters, Mathis B. Rogers, Gloria Davis

Here's wishing everyone a VERY Happy New Year!

Here's wishing everyone a VERY Merry Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving!


I have a lot to be thankful for this year.  My readers, especially.  I hope that you each have a very Happy Thanksgiving.  If you’re not in the United States, I hope you have a great weekend.

Update on The Chronicles of Brad

I’m still working on it.  Now that I have a job, I don’t get to work on it as much as I’d like to.  But I will let you know when I have it finished.  Stay tuned and, if you’re not on my notification list, you should sign up so you’ll be notified when I do.

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Happy Reading!

Happy 24th Anniversary Kris & Brad

I began writing the Shipwrecked Series in 1996 while working the Night Audit (graveyard shift) at a motel. 

My readers wanted more, so I continued the series. 

In 2009, I decided it was time to write Family Reunion which is the finalé.  And half way through it, I decided to re-write the entire series from Brad’s point of view, calling it The Chronicles of Brad.  Due to work and other interferences, I didn’t get to work on it very often.

In December 2017,  my job on the AppleCare Project with Kelly Services ended, so I decided I needed to get to work on it.  While working on it, I planned that since there were 10 books in the collection, I would release one book a month and end on their anniversary with The Chronicles of Brad.  Unfortunately, I had to clean all the books up and it wasn’t until August 8th that I was able to start releasing them.

I did mange to get the collection from Kris’s point of view out, but there is still so much to do from Brad’s point of view, I wasn’t able to make it by my deadline of October 14th for The Chronicles of Brad. 

I did finally find a job working at AlticeUSA (Suddenlink) in the Call Center as a Technical Support Agent, and it is keeping from working on it as much as I want/need to.

Please make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter , so you will be notified when I publish it.

Thanks for your patience and for being a valued reader.


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I have released Family Reunion.

The Petersons, and Kris, are joined by the Chestnuts as they take a plane to Miami, Florida for the Peterson Family Reunion. Upon returning to Jefferson, they help Garth move in with Dan and they celebrate Katherine Brown’s birthday.

You may get your copy of  Family Reunion here.

I will be releasing The Chronicles of Brad the weekend of October 14, 2018.

Thanks for reading.


I have released Thunder in Paradise.

Jefferson Bank and Trust has a new accounts manager. Just what hold does she have over Brad? In a tearful rage, will Kris take the promotion that he’s offered with ICC, even though it requires him to go to Switzerland for three months?

You may get your copy of  Thunder in Paradise here.

I will be releasing Family Reunion next week.

Thanks for reading.


Mathis is Interviewed on PBS' "24-Frames"

Local PBS Affiliate, KTTZ, has a weekly program called “24-Frames”.  Generally, it only features local music bands,  but occasionally has other types of artists and things of public interest.

In May 2018, they filmed local area authors for the show, which aired Saturday, September 15, 2018.

This episode features New York Times Best Selling Western Romance authors, Jodi Thomas and Linda Broday , from Amarillo, Texas, Lubbock Write Right Critique Group along with Group Director Mary Andrews, and Group Webmaster, Mathis B. Rogers.

Since it was only aired on the South Plains of West Texas market, it is available online and you may watch it here.

I have released Rescue at Smuggler’s Cove.

When a storm hits Jefferson, the couple joins Kris’ Dad in the helicopter and rush out to Smuggler’s Cove for the rescue. They are surprised to discover who the victim is.

You may get your copy of  Rescue at Smuggler’s Cove here.

I will be releasing Thunder in Paradise, next week.

Thanks for reading.


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