Memorial Day Tribute

Sending prayers for those who lost loved ones who gave their lives fearlessly defending the freedoms we all enjoy. God bless them.

Hot-Rod Magazine

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Quinn Remington is waiting for his friend, Kim Wong, to get ready to go to a Drag Show, and finds the next months’ edition of Hot-Rod Magazine—an Adult Magazine— on Kim’s coffee table.  Flipping through the rag, he freaks out when he discovers pictures of people he knows.  Will Quinn confront them, or keep his knowledge of what they did a secret? What would you do?

Mark of the Beast?

Revelation 13:17

King James Version

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

You may not think it’s gotten this far, yet, but I’ve been seeing on the news where you can get a bracelet with a QR code on it, and when you go to a store, an Airplane, or a Ship for a cruise, you can let them scan the QR Code to see that you’ve received the COVID-19 vaccine.  They’re calling it the COVID Passport.

Some businesses have hinted that you can’t enter if you haven’t had the vaccine. 

They’re also reporting that even if you have had the vaccine, you can be a a systemic carrier of the virus and share it with others who haven’t had the vaccine. And since the vaccine hasn’t been out very long, they’re not sure it’s really a one and done deal.  There’s a possibility that, like the Flu Shot, it will have to be administered yearly.

Some people haven’t received the vaccine because they’re allergic to the ingredients in it or have health issues that would make it detrimental for them to take it.  Others just don’t trust that it’s really safe and refuse to get it.  

When you have time please watch these two videos: The first is one hour.

And this one is 15:39

After watching these videos,  what do you think about this?

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As you know if you’ve been following this blog, I created “” in 2011 to help people who didn’t want to learn how to do it themselves, get published.

I met Truman Godwin when we both belonged to the Plainview Writers Guild back in 1995.

He moved to Lubbock before I did, and after I started ePubnationwide, he wanted me to publish his books.

Truman died December 4, 2020 and his wife didn’t want to deal with his books, so I moved his eBooks from his Smashwords account to mine.  Now, when you click on a link to my books at Smashwords, you’ll see Publisher Info, and his books under Publisher of “Newest”.

Since hindsight is 20/20, I realize now that I should have put them under my “Non-Adult” books account at Smashwords, since they are all non-adult. I’ll see if I can move them over there at a later time.

However, since Nancy isn’t interested in keeping his website up, I did move it to my site here.  Click the button under his picture to be taken to his page here, so you can see his books and be taken to where you can purchase them.

Merry Christmas 2020

& Happy New Year!

Halloween Night

Free for a limited time
November 27-December 1, 2020

Book 1: Halloween Night—Shane decides to stay at his Great Great Grandparent’s old abandon, four-story house that appears to be right out of a scary movie for Halloween night and discovers that a friend of his is already there—in the bathtub.

Contains Adult Content.  You must be 18 or older to read this book.

Halloween Night/Golden Locket Collection Series

I have re-released the Halloween Night/Golden Locket collection series. The nine-book collection is available on Amazon Kindle and Amazon KU only.
These do contain adult content and you must be at least 18 to read them.
Even though they are Halloween themed, they do cover Thanksgiving and Christmas.
“Have you ever flown to the top of a rainbow and slid down it into the pot of gold?” Sterling asked Jonathan while they were sunbathing on a quilt floating three feet off the ground on Jonathan’s virtual beach.
Find out what happens when Jonathan does it in, “Golden Locket: Mercury in Retrograde” Book 8 in the collection.

Happy Halloween

Cover Reveal!

New cover for Halloween Night

Halloween NIght/The Golden Locket Collection Series has nine books in it. I have decided to split it into nine seperate books. This is the new cover for Book 1 Halloween NIght. Check back for the rerelease coming soon.

Halloween Night/The Golden Locket Collection Series


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