Tuesday, 12 April 2011 9:50 PM

I just received the cover for “Texas Heat” from Dima, the guy in Russia (nitrocovers.com), this evening and was able to get it published, so it’s processing as I type.So all of the stories that I had for free on my website are currently published through “Smashwords.com”.And I’ve already sold 27 copies of them.

I had Sizzler Editions publish “Storm” and “The House on Willow Creek Lane. And “The Birthday Surprise, Weekend, Just Another Day at the Office, and Week’s Vacation” are all in “The Birthday Surprise & Other Gay Male Erotica by Mathis B. Rogers”.

Then I used Smashwords.com to publish the other 16 stories myself.

I received my second proof for “The Mysterious Bed” today, so now to get to work on reading through it to make sure it’s as close to perfect as it can get so I can get it published and anyone who wants a copy can order it.You can currently pre-order an Autographed copy on the homepage at my website.Just create an account and follow the instructions there.

I am getting closer to being done with “The Golden Locket: The Cruise”.I have friend I take to physical therapy three times a week and the hour and a half that they’re torturing her, I am working on it.So hopefully it’ll be done by the end of the month, but you know how bad I am with deadlines, so I won’t make any promises.

I’ll keep you informed.


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