Saturday, December 25, 2010: 09:20 PM
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and didn't eat too much.
I had a great Christmas and didn't eat too much. I was hoping that since I went to a friend's that I wouldn't have the temptation of left overs, but they seemed to follow me home, so I'm set for next week.
If you're on my Notification List you received a Christmas e-Letter from me. I did receive several of them back "Undeliverable" for unknown addresses. So if you thought you were on my list and didn't get one, then please email me to get back on my list. Please let me know what your old address is so I can remove it if you change it.
I've figured out that I'm terrible with "Dead lines" so I'm not going to guesstimate when "The Golden Locket: The Cruise" is going to be finished any more. But I am still working on it so it will eventually get done. I just thought of something else to add, so it might be another long one.
Thanks again for reading, and I hope you have a Happy New Year.