As you know if you’ve been following this blog, I created “” in 2011 to help people who didn’t want to learn how to do it themselves, get published.
I met Truman Godwin when we both belonged to the Plainview Writers Guild back in 1995.
He moved to Lubbock before I did, and after I started ePubnationwide, he wanted me to publish his books.
Truman died December 4, 2020 and his wife didn’t want to deal with his books, so I moved his eBooks from his Smashwords account to mine. Now, when you click on a link to my books at Smashwords, you’ll see Publisher Info, and his books under Publisher of “Newest”.
Since hindsight is 20/20, I realize now that I should have put them under my “Non-Adult” books account at Smashwords, since they are all non-adult. I’ll see if I can move them over there at a later time.
However, since Nancy isn’t interested in keeping his website up, I did move it to my site here. Click the button under his picture to be taken to his page here, so you can see his books and be taken to where you can purchase them.