All Adult Only

These books are for Adults Only and you must be at least 18 or of age in your country to read them.

A New Job
A New Job

The company that Robin Abernathy is working for packs up and moves to Detroit. Robin doesn't want to go because his family lives in Glacier Valley.

A New Town
A New Town

Novelist Jerry Marsh tries to escape from his adoring fans by moving to A New Town. He isn't expecting what he runs into, though. First, it's raining when he gets to his new house, and his furniture hasn't arrived. When it does, he has to spen [...]

A Second Chance
A Second Chance

Lynn Anthony is working as an architect for Thompson, Chandler, and Borge, when he runs into Hunter Yates, a friend from high school, and old feelings are rekindled, but Lynn could never admit to Hunter that he was interested in him back then, [...]


Romance Novelist Tracy D. Wilson suffers a head injury in a car wreck and wakes up with amnesia.

Climb to the Top
Climb to the Top

In Book 3 of the series, Country singer, Cliff Richmond is trying to make it in show biz when he is outed as not only being gay, but his lover, Preston Townsen, is a nude male model. Will the public let Cliff become the star he has always drea [...]

Cold as Ice
Cold as Ice

Colin's sister, Rebecca, wins the National Gold Medal in solo ice skating and decides to take up figure skating.


Colby and Adam plan to spend the weekend in Adam's grandparent's cabin by the lake. It will be the first night since they got together that they haven't slept together.

Family Reunion
Family Reunion

In Book 9 of the Series, the Petersons, and Kris, are joined by the Chestnuts as they take a plane to Miami, Florida for the Peterson Family Reunion. Upon returning to Jefferson, they help Garth move in with Dan and they celebrate Katherine Br [...]

Halloween Night
Halloween Night

Book 1: Halloween Night - Shane decides to stay at his Great Great Grandparent's old abandon, four-story house that appears to be right out of a scary movie for Halloween night and discovers that a friend of his is already there - in the batht [...]

Hot Sensations
Hot Sensations

Marty Shelton, a computer system design/technician for a Midwestern computer store, is moonlighting as an exotic dancer when the club catches fire. Marty's best friend, Mark returns from L.A and as it seems their world is falling apart around [...]

Hot-Rod Magazine
Hot-Rod Magazine

Quinn Remington is waiting for his friend, Kim Wong, to get ready to go to a Drag Show, and finds the next months’ edition of Hot-Rod Magazine—an Adult Magazine— on Kim’s coffee table.  Flipping through the rag, he freaks out when he discovers [...]

Just Out of Reach
Just Out of Reach

Cody Stewart falls head-over heels for a co-worker and, after getting snowed in with him on the way home from a training conference, finds a very special relationship.

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