It's that time again!

All of my books are at both Amazon for Kindle editions and Smashwords for all eReader formats including Kindle.

Each year during July, Smashwords has a “July Summer/Winter Sale” where authors can list their eBooks at a discounted price, or just to add them to the promotion to sell them at regular price, if they prefer.

Once again this year, I have added all of my “Adult” eBooks to the list for 1/2 price—except for the ones I have already listed at 99¢.  Those are listed, but are still 99¢.

If you haven’t managed to pick up all of my eBooks yet, this is a good opportunity for you to get them.

You can go directly (never go straight) to my Smashwords Profile to see the list and get them there.

My Non-Adult stories are also on sale.

Again, this sale is only on Smashwords from July 1 through July 31, so you won’t be able to get eBooks for a discount anywhere else.

Also, be sure to Sign up for my notification list, so you will receive an email when I release new books.

Happy Reading,


PS: If you’re curious as to why Smashwords calls it “Summer/Winter” when it’s only for the month of July, they are world-wide and some places are actually having winter right now.

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