The Chronicles of Brad.

Revisit the Shipwrecked Series from Brad’s Point of View.

I have posted the covers of the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top/The Chronicles of Brad, Collection Series on the front page of my website.  I am considering doing something different with The Chronicles of Brad cover (picture to the left) , but the picture of Brad will be the same, just a different background.  I had created one some time ago with him on the beach, but forgot about it until the other day when I stumbled across it.  Might revisit that one before publishing the series.  I am still working on the collection. I spend Tuesday evening at my critique group meeting then we go to a 24-hour coffee shop and visit with other writers.  Then on Wednesday morning some of us meet at another coffee shop and write for a couple of hours, so I am getting a lot done.

I haven’t found a job, yet.  I have applied for several, but haven’t heard anything.  I am really hoping I don’t have to return to the hotel/motel business, but am getting concerned about running out of unemployment benefits before I find a job, so I might have to break down and see if there are any night audit positions available.

I hope you’re having a good spring.  Here we’ve had several days over the century mark and hardly any rain, so we’re back in a drought. Summer, of course, will be here Thursday, the 21st, so since it’s already been a hot Spring, I’m concerned about how hot Summer will be this year.  We’ve had a few days already where the electricity has gone off in parts of the city for a few hours.

Hope it’s cool where you are and you have a good Summer. I’ll keep you informed on the progress of The Chronicles of Brad.

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