We Must Never Forget: 9/11/2021 Tribute

By Mathis / September 11, 2023

Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale

As you know, I have my eBooks at both Amazon for Kindle editions and Smashwords for all eReader formats. 

Each year during July, Smashwords has a “July Summer/Winter Book Sale” where authors can list their eBooks at a discounted price, or just to add them to the promotion to sell them at regular price, if they prefer.

This year, I have added all of my “Adult” eBooks to the list for 1/2 price—except for the ones I have already listed at 99¢.  Those are listed, but are still 99¢.

I have also published an “Author Interview” under my Profile, and you can check it out here.

If you haven’t managed to pick up all of my eBooks yet, this is a good opportunity for you to get them.

You can either go to my Stories  > Adult Stories link, or just go directly (never go straight) to my Smashwords Profile here to see the list and get them there.

You can also go to my Stories > Non-Adult Stories link, or just go to my Non-Adult Smashwords Profile here, to see the list of my Non-Adult stories, which are “The Mysterious Bed” and “The Dead Can’t Rest”.  Both of these stories are full-length books.

Again, this sale is only on Smashwords, so you won’t be able to get my eBooks for a discount anywhere else.

However, the nine book, “The Halloween Night/The Golden Locket” Collection Series, is still only available on Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle Unlimited (KU), so they are not on sale.

Also, I will be releasing “Hot-Rod Magazine” soon, so be sure to sign up for my notification list—if you’re not already on it, so you’ll receive an email when I release new books.

Happy Reading,


PS: If you’re curious as to why Smashwords calls it “Summer/Winter” when it’s only for the month of July, they are world-wide and some places are actually having winter right now.

CWIA Author Spotlight

CWIA Videographer, Mathis B. Rogers is the June 2023 Author Spotlight. for the Caprock Writers & Illustrators Alliance. If the video isn’t above, click here.

Stay Safe

“Have you ever flown to the top of a rainbow and slid down it into the pot of gold?” Sterling asked sleepily.

Jonathan Rhoades and Sterling Holt are sunbathing on a quilt floating three feet above the beach outside Jonathan’s virtual patio.

Find out what happens when Jonathan does it in The Golden Locket: Mercury in Retrograde (Halloween Night/Golden Locket Collection Series) Book 8.

Only on Amazon and Amazon KU.

14th Annual Read an eBook Week Sale!

All eBooks are 1/2 Price*  from March 5th through March 11, 2023

Notice: Most of these eBooks contain Adult Content and you must be at least 18 to read them.

Sale only valid at Smashwords with the coupon code given when book is added to your shopping cart, through March 11, 2023

*Books regularly priced .99 are not encluded in the sale.

**eBooks by Truman Dayon Godwin are also on sale.  Truman was a client of mine. He died December 4, 2020.

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

KJ Waters gives Mathis B. Rogers the Unsung Hero Award

A huge congratulations to Mathis Rogers for earning the Unsung Hero Award for all the work he’s given our group.  [Caprock Writers & Illustrators Alliance]

He double chaired on the board the last few years, does our videography
and editing, helped organize the anthology the last few years, and is
the all around helper on every project.

Thank you Mathis for always being there when we needed you!

KJ Waters,

President, 2022

Happy World Aids Day

Stay aware—stay protected

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