Saturday, 02 April 2011 1:03 PM


As you’ve probably noticed, I’m moving all my stories over to eBook format. Everyone in my list has read all of them and I haven’t had much activity lately on my website, so I decided to submit them to a different format for a new group of readers and to actually make money on them.If I sell the eBook for 2.99, I actually get 2.00 for it.The reason I split The Wedding“The Wedding” (cover by between the Amazon Kindle Store and Smashwords is because I wasn’t aware of Smashwords and had already submitted it to Amazon before I found out that Smashwords was an option.I also discovered that they let you download the eBook in EPUB format and if you have a Sony eReader, an Ipad, or a Kindle, or you can read them on your PC.Amazon is just the Kindle.Bigger market, more sales.

And, speaking of sales, I just published “The Wrong Crowd” last night and had already sold a copy this morning by the time I got up.Yeah!

I even “revisited” “Hot Sensations”. There were a lot of comments about it back when I posted it.And I really did need to “clean it up”.So, I spent a few days going through it and did “clean it up” quite a bit.But there wasn’t anything that I found that I could actually be comfortable removing.So except for the errors, it’s the same.Wow, I am impressed though, how much technology has advanced since 1996.As I was going through it, I kept asking myself, “Why did I have him do that?” — You know, like dial up modems.Having to plug your cellphone into the cigarette lighter just to use it. Well, that’s the way things were back then.“We’ve come a looooong way, baby.” I did publish it as an eBook on the 22nd and have already sold four copies.

Okay, so I’m not going to make a killing — or a living — on these, but at least the money is coming in.It’s also going out because I have to pay for the cover artwork. But I really like the work that Dima is doing (’ve also made a few myself at (I did the two above without links beside them) and I like the way they’ve come out. But I have to pay for the artwork from other places for them, too.So hopefully, I’ll at least break even on the covers. You all know what my characters look like in your heads, so it’s VERY difficult to find pictures of guys who look like the ones in MY head.

I’m also excited about being available to let me publish my first novel – even though “Hot Sensations” is a novel, I wrote “The Mysterious Bed” (cover by back in 1994 and finished it in 1995.Talk about technology changing since then.It will be available as a PoD (Print on Demand) book.I ordered the Galley Proof yesterday and it should be here by Friday.If everything goes well in it, I should be able to make the link available for you to purchase it by the end of April. The advertisement is already available on the front of my website and you can pre-order an Autographed copy, if you’d like one.Unfortunately, for me to even make fifty cents per book from Amazon on it, I have to charge at least $14.95 US.It doesn’t have any “on screen” sex in it, and I do believe that if your grandmother could get over the fact that the main character is gay, she’d really enjoy the story line because it has a really strong romantic story line.

It’s been almost a year since I posted “A Second Chance”, and I am still working on “The Golden Locket: The Cruise”; I hope to have it done soon.But since I’m still unemployed (there are no jobs in this area and everyone is starting to lay people off) I want to get the stories I’ve got on my website now published so I can get some money coming in.I’m not getting unemployment since I was fired.

So what does the conversion to selling eBooks mean to you, a free reader?

Good question.

I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to publish the “Halloween Night” series, so since “The Golden Locket: The Cruise” is in it, you’ll have at least one more free story.

I am going to gather up some energy and go through and clean up and get the “Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top” series ready for publication. And I will write one more story called “Shipwrecked: Family Reunion”. If you recall in “Thunder in Paradise” they were getting ready to go to a Peterson Family reunion “Next Summer”. I wrote that in 2002. So I guess it’s time for “Next Summer” to get here. I’ll have to read through the Smashwords instructions again, but I’m going to see if I can get it all cleaned up for a really big eBook and “Family Reunion” will be the final finale in it. I am considering getting it published through Createspace as well, so it’ll be a PoD, too, but I might not be able to because of the size of it.

I’ll keep you informed.

Also, if you haven’t visited my site lately, I now have an RSS feed available for my blog (which this is also posted there).

Now, I’d better get back to work getting the rest of my stories published, so I can get to work on the next story for you.






Obituary for Oleta Rogers



Oleta Bowen Rogers, 87, of Plainview, died the morning of Thursday, March 24, 2011.

Oleta was born in Wellington, Texas August 27, 1923.

She is survived by her sister, Gwenn Farnsworth of San Jose, Ca, her sons Mitt Rogers of Carlsbad, NM,and Mathis Rogers of Lubbock, Tx.A granddaughter, Lauren Rogers of Dallas, TX, a granddaughter, Amber Birgè, a grandson, Brandon Birgè, and a great granddaughter, Arianna, of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

She donated her body to the Texas Tech Health Science Center and, per her request, there will not be a memorial service.

In lieu of flowers, please make your donations to

Alzheimer’s Association.

3610 22nd St

Suite 300

Lubbock, TX 79410


Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. I am so thankful that she didn't suffer.

As you've probably noticed, I'm getting to work on converting all the stories here into eBooks, so I can start making some money, since I'm still unemployed.

I'll keep you informed.



Posted 3-25-11 2:55 PM


Wednesday, 16 March 2011 12:15 PM


Just a quick note to let you know what's going on. I'm still happily unemployed. There are no jobs around here that I'm either interested in or qualified for. Even the Texas Workforce Commission isn't sending me any leads. But I'm doing okay.

I got a call from the Prairie House in Plainview a few weeks ago and they said that since Mother isn't trying to get out any more, that she didn't need to be in lock up (the secure Alzheimer's unit). So I decided it'd be okay to bring her to Lubbock. She's in a nice place here that is about 4.3 miles from my house. So I can go see her more frequently. Unfortunately, the new place called me yesterday and told me that she seems to have forgotten how to swallow. I will have to discuss my options with my aunt before making any decisions. about putting in a feeding tube. At least she's closer and I'm not working, so I can spend more time with her now.

Now the good news!

I finally found an artist to do my eCovers. He's in Russia and his website is

I got him to create an eCover for "The Wedding" and I love it! I submitted it in eBook format to Amazon's Kindle publishing area yesterday, so as soon as it gets published, I'll put the cover on my front page. I found a place called that I used to create the "book" looking covers that were published by my publisher. I never did like just the flat ecover, so I am glad I was able to create the 3D book look.

I also found an editor and she's in the process of editing "The Mysterious Bed" for me. So I have nitrocovers working on a cover for it.

And, yes, I have been spending so much time on all this that I haven't had too much time to be working on "The Golden Locket: The Cruise" but I will get back to it and get it posted.

Take care and I'll keep you informed.




Thursday, January 27 2:16 PM

I just figured out how to install a component that will allow everyone to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You should receive Blog updates that I post here automatically when I post them. Just click here to sign up.

I had my "Assessment" test with a company here in town Friday. I didn't pass it, so I'm still unemployed. Oh, well, at least I am still enjoying my "retirement" and have more time to write.

Will keep you informed.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:54 PM

Hello, all.

I just got email from my publisher that "The House on Willow Creek Lane" has been released. I really wanted a picture of the guys in front of the house, but since I can't find anyone to do my artwork for me, I guess "beggars can't be choosers."

I will continue to see if I can get an artist so I don't have to have her publish another one for me, though.

I enjoyed my birthday (yesterday). A couple of friends came to town Tuesday and we had a blast, then I spent yesterday relaxing and trying to recuperate from it.

I do have a job interview tomorrow. It's a job that I wouldn't mind having, so hopefully I'll get it.

Take care and I'll keep you informed.


Saturday, December 25, 2010: 09:20 PM

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and didn't eat too much.

I had a great Christmas and didn't eat too much. I was hoping that since I went to a friend's that I wouldn't have the temptation of left overs, but they seemed to follow me home, so I'm set for next week.

If you're on my Notification List you received a Christmas e-Letter from me. I did receive several of them back "Undeliverable" for unknown addresses. So if you thought you were on my list and didn't get one, then please email me to get back on my list. Please let me know what your old address is so I can remove it if you change it.

I've figured out that I'm terrible with "Dead lines" so I'm not going to guesstimate when "The Golden Locket: The Cruise" is going to be finished any more. But I am still working on it so it will eventually get done. I just thought of something else to add, so it might be another long one.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you have a Happy New Year.


Monday, 06 December 2010 8:40 PM

I hope everyone is getting ready for Christmas. It’s the best time of the year, you know.

First of all, I couldn’t locate an artist for my eBook covers, so I emailed the next story to my publisher and will let her deal with it. Won’t make as much money that way, but it won’t be as big of a hassle, either. If you are an artist and are interested, I do have another story that I want to get published and will need a cover for it, so please let me know.

And, speaking of money, I lost my job on the 3rd of December. This will give me more time to write! Gotta look at the bright side. Jobs are scarce around here, so I hope I don’t have any trouble finding one. I do hope I don’t have to go back to the Hotel/Motel business, though. I’ll probably sign up for unemployment tomorrow. I don’t like being on it, but it beats nothing. Somehow the bills keep coming around, but the money doesn’t.

I hope to have “The Golden Locket: The Cruise” finished by Christmas. It’s coming along great.

If you’re on my notification list, you’ll receive an email when I post it. If you’re not, please sign up through my contact form.

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and I’ll keep you informed.

10-2-10: I heard back from the lady who was going to do the cover for me. She decided she's not able to. So, I found a lady I work with who is an artist and she wasn't interested either, but knew someone who she asked, and they were interested and neither of us have heard back from her. ARGH!! I guess I'm going to have to either get my publisher to publish this next one or use a service I found in California.

Will keep you informed.

"The Golden Locket: The Cruise" is coming along good. I will probably be able to have it released by Halloween.


8-10-10: I'm still waiting to hear from the lady who said she'd do my artwork for my eBooks. I am beginning to wonder if she's ever going to get through with the project that she's currently working on.

I'll keep you informed.

8-10-10: Turns out that I can create blogs in Joomla (the template program that I'm using for the website), so I don't need to mess with any more.

All posts will be here locally now. Check back frequently to see what's going on. If you're not on my notification list, please fill out the contact form and request to be added so I can email you when I post a new story.

Posted by Mathis B: Rogers 7:20 PM


Sign up now so you won't miss my next book!

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