Such an eye opening perspective. These photos were captured on a flight over the Texas Panhandle —Wayne Stamps

A few people have asked if I had to evacuate due to the fires in the Texas Panhandle, . Lubbock is about 122 miles south of Amarillo. Fritch is about 45 miles northeast of Amarillo. Canadian is about 106 miles northeast of Amarillo. Lubbock did get smoke Tuesday afternoon/evening, but no fires here.

Unfortunately, an author friend of mine posted on Facebook yesterday that the fire got 3000+ head of Black Angus Cattle and some horses. The Headquarters of her ranch is fine and the cowhands got out safely.

She posted that her husband got these shots this morning. Yes, it did snow in the Panhandle today, which helped putting out the fires, some.

Click the buttons below to watch video coverage from local TV stations. One in Amarillo, and the other here in Lubbock.

The fire in Fritch is only 50% contained as of right now. You can see the KCBD News Livestream here.

Some pictures from the Panhandle fires
Photo credit: Lubbock Task Force

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I'm still working on Hot-Rod Magazine and I will notify you when it is released. Unfortunately, I won't be able to release it in time for the sale.


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