The national news is reporting flooding in the northeast, triple digits across the southern states, landslides on the west coast, and several tornadoes around Chicago, Wednesday. I hope you're not having any weather or other destructive issues where you are, reader. We did break a record here on Wednesday and hit 110°F. Thankfully, we don't have much humidity here, so it's not as bad as it was in Houston. I did see 113°F on the thermometer in my car Wednesday. Luckily, my AC works good in my car and apartment. However, my electric bill is going to be really high for this and next month. 😱
You may remember, reader, in Chapter 2, Quinn told Kim that Byron was taking Mary Lynn to The Rose Garden for dinner and dancing.
I asked my female, heterosexual cousin a question about having Quinn and Kim waltz, and she said waltzing is only for heterosexual couples. While she hasn't read any of Hot-Rod Magazine, she is familiar with it because I spend a lot of time with her, and we discuss what we're writing. I did Google to see if there were any places where gays could waltz, and I found this.
When I lived in Amarillo, I did come to Lubbock once and visited a Gay Country Bar. Also in Amarillo and Austin, I went to gay bars that played Disco, Rock, or Pop. They didn't play any waltzes. (FYI, the Gay Country Bar I came to here in Lubbock in the mid-'80s is now a "Tejano Night Club." Their current clientele are Hispanic, heterosexual couples. No, I have not been to it.)
Of course, reader, I am aware that I am the author and can do whatever I want to with this book, but I am anxious to know what you think, and if you have had any experience waltzing with someone of the same sex? My cousin also thinks that Kim should go in drag.

It's time for

Chapter 16 of

Hot-Rod Magazine

Please keep in mind this is a work in progress and more edits and changes will likely be made before the story is in its final form.
*Notice: these excerpts do contain adult content*
I hope you are enjoying Hot-Rod Magazine, reader. I am currently working on Chapter 43, so I'll be sending you a chapter every week. Please let me know by replying to this email if you are enjoying it.
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