Image by <a href="">Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Hello, ,

I hope you had a good day and are staying safe during this pandemic.

My apartment (duplex) has been for sale for almost a year now, I believe, and two of the potential buyers own a used car lot that is just five blocks from here. The realtor told them I needed a job, so I started working for them on January 2nd as the receptionist.

Due to the pandemic, we are unable to sell cars now, so they cut everyone's hours and I'm only working 20 hours per week. So I guess that means I'm only 1/2 essential. That would normally lead one to believe I have plenty of time to write. Unfortunately, I prefer to go to a restaurant, eat lunch, then sit and write for a couple of hours. Since I can't do that now, I seem to be finding everything to do other than write. I am trying to get better, though.
Back in October, I released The Dead Can't Rest only at Kindle Unlimited and told you that I would be releasing it to Smashwords and other places when that period was over. I decided not to remove it from KU. But, as a valued reader, , I am attaching the PDF version of it for you here. It is a copy just for the readers on my Notification List.

Please note, although the main character is gay, there is no "on screen" sex in it.
The Dead Cannot Rest-7

Thank you!

Again, , I hope you are doing well, and I'll keep you informed about both the job and Hot-Rod Magazine.

Thanks for being a valued reader,

Current Project

I'm working on Hot-Rod Magazine.

Quinn Remington is waiting for his friend, Kim Wong, to get ready to go to a Drag Show, and finds the next months’ edition of Hot-Rod Magazine—an Adult Magazine— on Kim’s coffee table. Flipping through the rag, he freaks out when he discovers pictures of people he knows. Will Quinn confront them, or keep his knowledge of what they did a secret? What would you do?

Picture 12
Mathis B. Rogers