Hi explorer

I've been about ready to pull my hair out while getitng this website updated. I had to either get rid of Joomla! or move my host to another server to be able to update Joomla! Unfortunately, GoDaddy wanted more money for me to move so I decided I'd try out WordPress. They said I could stay on the current server if I use WordPress. So, I've been fighting it for the last few days. I also have a stand-alone program on my computer called WebsiteX5 that lets me build websites and it takes care of the html and ccs files, so I rebuilt ePubnationwide.com with it, and set off to tackle WordPress. I finally got tired and set this one up with it, too.
As soon as I get WordPress figured out, I'll switch over to it.

And, of course, fighting with the website has kept me from working on the Shipwrecked/Climb to the Top Collection Series and The Chronicles of Brad.

Since this is Memorial Day weekend in the States, I hope you have a good "three-day" weekend.

I'll keep you informed.
